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Uncommon Wisdom: Petar Sharkov

“Uncommon Wisdom” is about sharing those habits or stories that we wouldn’t normally think to share. There’s so much talk about morning routines and self-care practices these days but a lot of it can seem kind of superficial or maybe just predictable and repetitive.

This is why we asked a bunch of high-performing creatives and entrepreneurs a few questions about awareness, energy, and productivity. We wanted to learn something a bit more unexpected, and here’s what we found out.

Who is Petar Sharkov?

Petar Sharkov spearheads Telerik Academy School – the leading tech-ed organization for students from 1st to 12th grade in Bulgaria. He is responsible for the long-term strategy of Telerik Academy School and oversees all key partnerships with education institutions, businesses and communities.

Petar has extensive experience and expertise in launching and managing organizations, developing educational programs and introducing new training techniques and methodologies. In 2009, he co-founded Start It Smart – a leading entrepreneurship organization dedicated to supporting the local startup community in Bulgaria. He played an instrumental role in driving the organization’s strategy and development and also led the first startup preaccelerator in the country. He served as President of Start It Smart from 2013 to 2015 and currently is on the board of the organization. Prior to joining Telerik Academy, Petar co-founded Mind Mapping, a company for accelerated learning, licensed by the inventor of Mind Maps – Tony Buzan. Petar holds a bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. He is a licensed trainer in Suggestopedia, personally trained by Prof. Dr. Georgi Lozanov, who developed the renowned learning method.
Petar Sharkov

#1. What's something unexpected or uncommon that made you more aware?

Often we can lose orientation and become less aware in our dynamic daily life and all the opportunities that come up. There are a few things that work for me and help me to stay “here and now” – a constant focus on what energizes me, often “disconnecting” the brain from all thoughts, being close to nature, and enjoying the moment. I try to not give in to thoughts from the past and what would happen if I could change a certain decision or situation. I also try to not overdo the design of the future.

#2. What's something unexpected or uncommon that gives you energy?

For me personally, energy is related to the meaning of life. When a person discovers why they are here and then pursues that purposefully – the energy does not stop. I believe that I have discovered my life purpose and I keep 100% of my focus in that direction. Something that affects my energy in a negative way is when I do not take a well-deserved rest for way too long.

#3. What's something unexpected or uncommon that makes you more productive?

Maybe it’s no surprise or unusual for most people but what keeps my productivity going is good planning. I strive to have clearly defined priorities for 1 year, 3 months, 1 month, and on a weekly basis. In addition, I have found that I am extremely productive in the early hours of the day – from 6-7am until 10-12 o’clock.
Petar Sharkov

#4. What does your morning ritual look like?

In recent months, I have not followed a strict “list” of rituals in the morning.

In general, I’m an “early bird” and as I said, in the morning I am very productive. That’s why I use the moment to complete the most important and biggest priorities of the day by just “eating the frog”. Something valuable that I’ve built as a habit is to not hurry so much, although the desire of the brain is usually different.

However, in the morning I take time for 20-30 minutes of warming up and stretching. I usually get up between 6 and 7am, and I haven’t used an alarm for the last 3 years.

#5. What does your evening ritual look like?

Just like with my mornings, nowadays I avoid having any organized “rituals” before going to bed.

In general, I try to pay more attention to my wife, to watch interesting movies, or to play board games (just the two of us or with friends). We love board games. We have been living outside of Sofia since the pandemic and when the weather is good we take evening walks. I also have time to do another stretch for the day, especially if I missed it in the morning.

I try to go to bed when my body tells me to. I often fall asleep between 10:30 and 11:30pm. I feel like this timeframe ensures that I sleep very well, so that at 6 in the morning I’m ready to wake up and start my day.

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